

Basera Old Age Home was established in 2014, with a concrete intention to provide care for aging destitute mothers of our secular community and help them age gracefully and end their days with dignity and honour.

The motivation to start Basera Old Age Home was initiated by Mohammed Abdul Wasif, due to his love and affection for his late aging mother, for whom he left his accounts job in The Gulf and decided to come back to Hyderabad, India, and care for his aging mother in her end of days. Sadly Wasif’s Mother passed away fighting her degenerative health condition on 18th October 2015. During his care activities for his mother, Wasif observed that many aging mothers are being despised and neglected; this shattered him and woke his conscience to realize the need for a secular old age home for aging mothers where they can age with grace and provide for their end of days care.


The 7th schedule of the Indian constitution places religious institutions, charities, and trusts into a so-called Concurrent List, which means that both the central Government of India and various state governments in India can make their own laws about religious institutions, charities, and trusts.

During his visits and research, Wasif came to observe that there exists no secular old age home where patients are free to practice their religion.

He observed that in various old age homes, the caretakers practiced their religion with the residents. Where Veg and Non-Veg meals were prepared without discrimination and respect for the residents. Nor was the food prepared as per the requirement of the individual. Wasif made his law – Complete Religious Freedom in Basera Old Age Home.

Secularism in India does not mean the separation of religion from state. Instead, secularism in India means a state that is neutral to all religious groups.

Establishment of FOAH With Guidance and support from his sisters, references from his observation, and above all blessings from his mother, Babita Rani established and Registered Basera Old Age Home in 2014 and started with 5 residents, by 2018 the home gradually grew to house 48 residents and has recently expanded the facility whereby the home is now in a position to accommodate a total of 48 Aging Mothers.